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Just Thrive

Let's make starting and running a business a more accessible option for all.

Through the Just Thrive Program, our goal is to create more equitable access to basic business infrastructure. Learn more, and start the application process today.


Justworks understands that we can’t be a nation where all people are created equal unless we recognize, confront, and eradicate racism and bias. Small businesses and nonprofits have an important role to play in how we as a country enact change and create equity. At Justworks, we're committed to leveling the playing field and supporting our customers in that effort. Through the Just Thrive Program, our goal is to confront and dismantle these obstacles by creating more equitable access to the basic infrastructure needed to get businesses up and running.

What You'll Get If You’re Eligible

Just Thrive unlocks one of two credits for eligible businesses: $6,000 or $2,000, depending on when your business was formed

Feature Item - Starter Credit
Starter Credit

Eligible businesses formed in the last 12 months can access a one-time $6,000 credit to assist with Justworks’ administrative fees and help you get up and running.

Feature Item - Boost Credit
Boost Credit

If your eligible business wasn't formed in the last 12 months, we've got you covered with a one-time $2,000 credit to assist with Justworks’ administrative fees.

Justworks Resources to Help MWBEs Thrive

MWBE Resources Meta
MWBE Resources
MWBE Directory Meta 1
MWBE Directory

Frequently Asked Questions

Apply to Just Thrive

Together, we'll build a program that works for your business.

Apply Now